"One of your best lists, by far. Great idea. I agree with In Bruges the most."

"Great idea. However, I would include a picture from a mainstream 'torture porn' film like Saw, since they are a big part of modern horror."

"Megan Fox makes me feel sick. A lot of these feature on my own list too and I am glad to see that other people are including these women on their lists."

"Nice list, I see we have quite a few similarities. I also changed 1986 to Platoon since I watched it recently and loved it."

"I haven't seen The 400 Blows although I really want to. Unfortunately, there seems to be no decent DVD version of it out in my Region Code."

"Interesting list. Also, I have a question to ask about aligning the images in the notes; how do you do you make the images appear in the centre of the note rather than the left? I'm no good with this "

"Nice list. Voted mainly for your inclusion of Jon Lajoie, he is a satirical genius! His mock-adverts are the best."

"Ah Tim Curry...whilst he is great, I can only see him playing a comedy Dracula. Thanks for the suggestion and vote though :)"

"Thanks :) I agree with all three of you to be honest. Out of all of them, Clooney is the one I would least like to see in the role. However, he is on this list for the reasons stated in the note, he h"

"I agree, I added him on here because he would be the quintessential 'charming' Dracula, rather than a creepy one. I reckon he could still pull 'creepy' off, given a good director and make up artist."

"Finally someone else who finds Penรฉlope Cruz and Natalie Portman over rated! Natalie Portman isn't ugly but she is a bit bland. This list has reminded me of some women I left out on my own list, so t"

"I haven't seen that film yet but I have heard great things about her performance. Once I see it I'm sure she will make the list. Thanks for the vote :)"

"Fantastic choices here. However, I found it was quite the opposite for me with Seven. I prefered it much more the second time."

"Some fantastic choices. Glad to see John Cazale in two very good roles represented here."

"Interesting list! How about posting what the original story was next to the original unhappy ending part?"

"Ah yes of course. I was thinking I needed to do more on his appearence. I will do that now, thanks for the suggestion!"

"Ah yes, Oprhan. My sister has that on DVD so I shall give it a go some time. Thanks for the suggestion and the vote :)"

"Nice list. I would recommend Funny Games (1997), Hidden (2005), Run Lola Run (1998) and I'm Not Scared (2003, very under rated)."

"Yeah, some films may not be brilliant but you love them because of their importance in your growing up. I will probably keep a film diary at the start of 2011 and see how it goes. Thanks again for the"

"Having just read Survivor, I truly recommend it. I too am a slow reader, not that I don't enjoy reading, I just can't do it fast. However, I managed to read Survivor in about 3 days because it is so w"

"I agree strongly with Shawshank being on here. It is only number 1 on IMDB because so many people have seen it and rated it highly. The reason it is in a lot of people's top 10 aswell is because it is"